My little piece of Paradise!

The things I'm interested in. Family, Friends, Firearms and Fun.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gerbils and Toddlers

****No Gerbils were hurt in the making of this short story!****

I leave Callie and Doug alone together for ONE day and what do they do?
They go pick out another pet!
Not just *A PET* but a little, frail Gerbil.
My daughter? SHE'S TWO.
The LAST thing she needs is ANYTHING smaller than a Great Dane, to play with.

Needless to say, conveniently he leaves for work with this Gerbil that my daughter is dying to play with...And me. Not a huge Gerbil fan here. Or anything small...with teeth.

Gerbils are finicky. Don't really care fore sudden movement. Don't really care for a toddler Grabbing it by it's tail and trying to kiss it. They don't really like a toddler to have her head half in the cage and *squeal in excitement*. (Did I say squeal...I meant a blood curdling, ear deafening shriek.)

She wants it in "The Ball". Anyone with a Gerbil knows "The Ball". You know...little plastic clear balls with air holes. They run around the house running themselves into random objects.

So here I am...With A toddler, A Gerbil cage (with Gerbil of course) and "The Ball". So I'm thinking to myself..How does one get a gerbil into "The Ball" without touching the Gerbil? After numerous attempts...nothing. Finally after a good amount of time I grab the little guy by the tail and toss him into "The Ball". Put the lid on and sat the thing on the floor.

Cute, He walks around and every once in a while a Toddler shoves the ball across the room. NOT good. She also likes to pick the ball up and kiss it, she isn't "gentle", to say the least. I even saw her try to kick the ball once. Needless to say, she was in "time out" a bit tonight. And sobbed at bed time because I wouldn't put the cage in her BED.

In all actuality though...The Gerbil is good to her so far. Callie herself needs to work on how she handles him. :) But hopefully in time, she'll figure it out. Hopefully Mommy will figure it out too, because that little thing freaks me out.

I won't deny the fact that he's cute. Hope his little teeth don't grow much.

BTW....Did I mention Callie named him Buddy? Yep, she picked this exact Gerbil and named him. Her first pet, somewhat of a milestone if you ask me. Now if we can keep it alive.....I'll be happy.

In Callie's words...

"I love Buddy the Mouse Mommy. Don't you touch him. He's my Buddy!"

The one an only.....Drum roll please......

BUDDY THE MOUSE (who is actually a Gerbil)