My little piece of Paradise!

The things I'm interested in. Family, Friends, Firearms and Fun.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My name is Rachel, I have a problem!

So as I'm walking through the house today, I saw a few things that made me giggle. So here I am...sharing my problem with the world.

On top of a table in my Dinning room.

The "stuff" in my purse.

My Jewels...HA

Bathroom, Nail polish

A box I keep jewlery in..

My fridge...

I can't help but smile when I see these things. No wonder people think I'm nuts. Nothing like reaching in your purse for change and pulling out Ammo! HA.


annie said...

I recognize the very expensive designer target on your fridge. :)

Rachel said...

Pretty sexy, eh? lol

Annie said...

Yeah, and I do suffer from some of the same things... I have a candle fetish and have spent years collecting candle holders and votive cups. Several of them around my house have rounds in them and a mosaic purple one in my room has shotgun shells in it. LOL
There! Now I told on myself.

lastshot said...

That looks like my house!... little shells everywhere. Had a goat eat one of my 17hmr shells one time!... came out fine.

Annie said...

LastShot...that's good.
At least the poor thing didn't have explosive diarrhea!

Anonymous said...

Booo! That was Baaaad Jet.

lastshot said...

The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem!

well done Rachel...

"Hi my name is rachel, I am a shootaholic, I have stashes of bullets and guns all over the house. sometimes I shoot alone."

and the crowd replys "HI RACHEL!"

Rachel said...

My only question is...How the hell did I miss all these comments? lmao